An infant born into slavery in the household of Celeste Tala de Villiers.
Born in Pensacola, Florida on 11 September 1842. Race is recorded as Negro.
Deed of Manumission: 24 August 1844 – granted freedom in consideration of “natural love and affection” by Celeste Tala de Villiers. Described as “the lawful daughter” of Auguste and Sophie de Villiers (both described as Negro). (Escambia Co,. [FL] Deeds, H/322)
Emma, her mother, and one of her brothers appear in the 1850 Census of Escambia County, FL in the household of Celeste Tala de Villiers and her sister, Constanza Tala de Alba (both widowed), along with the family of Manuel and Victorie de Villiers Pargas.
Mother: Maria Sophia de Villiers
Father: Auguste de Villiers
Brothers: Richard de Villiers, Joseph de Villiers
1850 United States Federal Census for Escambia County, FL. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2009. [accessed via, 18 September 2021]