White male, born around 1858 in Scotland. He was a sailor who drowned in Pensacola Bay on 8 December 1898 at the age of 40. His parents were both born in Scotland. He had been in the area about 2 months. He was buried in the Escambia County Poor Farm.
The Pensacola News of 21 December 1898 (afternoon) reported: “About two weeks ago, James Adams, a young Englishman who was working for the Skinner Manufacturing Company, was lost from a lighter. Search was made for the body at the time, but it could not be found. This morning John Dooley and Boston Stallsworth found it floating in the stream about a mile out from Perdido Wharf. The body has been brought to the parlors of Pou & Robinson to be prepared for burial.”
Pensacola births and deaths, 1891-1910, Escambia County (Florida) Health Department. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973.
The Pensacola News, 21 December 1898, p. 5.