Black female, stillborn on 8 May 1901 in Pensacola, Florida. The only information included in the death record is that the mother was born in Florida. The physician was James Landrum, and the child was buried in the Escambia County Poor Farm cemetery.
This information comes from the Pensacola City Death Records, a ledger book kept locally; there is no corresponding state death certificate. Normally, stillborn children are identified by the name of a parent; however, it appears that the child’s name was indeed Helen as I can find no Helen Baker in the city directory or census records near the relevant time. In the absence of any other information about the mother, it is unlikely that the child’s family can be definitively identified.
Pensacola births and deaths, 1891-1910, Escambia County (Florida) Health Department. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973.