Black male, born around 1859 in South Carolina. He died in Pensacola, Florida, on 20 November 1921 at the Escambia County Poor Farm. He was 62 years old. According to his death certificate, he was single at the time of his death, had lived in the city for 40 years, and worked as a laborer. The blanks for parental information are filled in with “DK” [don’t know]. The cause of death was Bright’s Disease (nephritis), and the informant on his death certificate was James Stewart, the superintendent of the Poor Farm. He was buried in the Poor Farm cemetery.
The 1916 Pensacola City Directory lists a Charles Buford, laborer, residing at 204 S. Alcaniz St. The street guide for the same volune shows the primary resident of the house being Annie Kinchen, a woman of color who worked as a laundress.
A Charles Buford appears again in the 1921 Pensacola City Directory, this time living at 225 E. Stoddart St., with no occupation listed.
Despite the death certificate’s assertion he had been in the city for 40 years, these are the only two records I can find that are even close, and there is not enough evidence to confirm that the Charles Bufords in the City Directory are the same as the Charlie Beauford on the death certificate. Reseach continues.
Florida Certificate of Death, Florida Deaths, 1877-1939. Database. FamilySearch. : 14 June 2016. Index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City. U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.