Black male, born about 1865. Died 13 October 1905 at the age of 40 in Pensacola, Florida, at the corner of 9th Avenue and Aragon St. He was married at the time of his death and his occupation was given as Laborer. The City Record gives his death as dengue fever; the death certificate adds Bright’s disease. On the City Record, J.M. Bickerstaff was given as the physician; M.S.G. Abbott signed his death certificate. He was buried by John G. Wood, undertaker, at the Escambia County Poor Farm cemetery.
I cannot find a trace of this man in the records.
Florida Certificate of Death for Ed Caffety (No. 883), Florida Deaths, 1877-1939. Database. FamilySearch. : 14 June 2016. Index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Pensacola births and deaths, 1891-1910, Escambia County (Florida) Health Department. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973.