Man of color, born about 1873 in Alabama. He died in Pensacola on 7 August 1902 at the age of 29, of acute peritonitis. Both of his parents were born in Alabama, though neither of their names are given. He worked as a laborer. Dr. J.H. Pierpont signed his death record, and he was buried in the Escambia County Poor Farm cemetery by John G. Wood.
This record came from the ledger of city deaths; there is no death certificate available online. So there is no address other than “City” for his place of death, and no informant listed. While marital status could be provided in the ledger, it is absent for Mr. Brown. There was a brief notice in the newspaper the next day, saying he had died at his home on West Belmont. As there is no City Directory extant for 1902, that information is of limited value.
I have not located him in the 1900 census, nor a Pensacola City Directory.
Pensacola births and deaths, 1891-1910, Escambia County (Florida) Health Department. Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973.
“News Notes,” The Pensacola News, 8 AUG 1902, p. 5.