Black female, born 21 September 1937 in Pensacola, FL. Died at the age of 1 hour; official cause of death was prematurity. Mother was Creola Banks, born in Alabama. Father was listed as “Don’t know,” though there may have been some reason the father was not identified other than ignorance. The residence and place of death was 217 E. Maxwell St. Creola was the informant on the death certificate. The child was buried in the Escambia County Poor Farm cemetery.
Mother: Creola Banks Hogan Jackson
Grandmother: Nettie Lou Brown Banks
Grandfather: Rufus Banks
Florida Certificate of Death, Florida Deaths, 1877-1939. Database. FamilySearch. : 14 June 2016. Index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City.